This is an original post written by contributing writer Alexandra.

There is a phrase in Renee Trudeau’s book, “The Mother’s Guide To Self-Renewal,” that is a straight shot to my psyche. The first time I read this phrase, my eyes stopped in their track.  The words on that page, that day, convinced me that, for the love of my family, and myself, I had to implement serious change in my life.

What phrase could cause me to turn on my ear like this?

This one: “Loving mothers are self loving mothers.”

Read that again, please, and let the wisdom of Renee’s words, and all the worth that is in them, soak into your soul.

Loving mothers are self loving mothers.

How many of us truly love who we are? What we are like? What we look like? Are we ever satisfied? Do we talk kindly to ourselves? What do we say to ourselves? Are we kinder to others, than we are to our person?

Reflect on that phrase: Loving mothers are self loving mothers.

Think of the joy and happiness that will spread out and reach those we love around us, when we are happy with who and what we are. When we like ourselves.

We’d have a smile that projects, “I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.” A smile that says, “I’m happy with who I am today, and all that I have.”

How can we help but not feel joyful, alive, energized, when we are at peace with who we are as women?  Think of the serenity that comes when we are loving, gentle, accepting of ourselves…as we are in this moment of our lives.

I grew up with a mother who was never happy with who she was, who her children were, what lot she had been given in life. She struggled with depression and issues of self worth and self esteem. Our house was one of little laughter, and devoid of smiles.  We felt her lack of joy–the very air in our house, whispered those words to us.

I want better for my family, for myself.  Joy shows itself, and it permeates the home we create for our children, our partner. But being kind to ourselves, and changing how we see ourselves, is a process that doesn’t come over night.

When I began writing for MomRenewal Project last July, one of the early exercises in The Mother’s Guide To Self Renewal book, was to create a 15 minute time period, practiced daily, in which we write to ourselves. I would set a timer, pull out my journal, a pretty one I purchased just for this daily work, and begin to write, as Renee Trudeau had instructed, on the following items:

  • What I like best about myself
  • My interests
  • One wonderful thing that happened this day
  • My proud moments
  • What happened when I pushed myself beyond my comfort zone
  • How I surprised myself recently
  • My talents
  • My gifts
  • My attributes

At first, I felt shy, even to myself, to go on and on about the good things I was. Over time, I built up to 2 or 3 items that I would be able to fill in and write about. Now, I find myself looking forward to this time of journaling, at the end of the day. Even on the not so great days, I make myself find one good thing to jot down.

The most exciting part about this exercise? Though the process is gradual, it is self talk that works. It’s like having a very special friend call you up and tell you, “Hey, I really like you.” I enjoy going over the past entries, and reading the words I’ve given to myself.

My challenge to you is to try this journal exercise.

I have seen and felt results since I began 8 months ago. Set an ordinary timer for 5, 10 or 15 minutes, and just write. Write a love note to yourself. Begin with the phrase that spoke to me, loud and clear:

A loving mother is a self loving mother.

Please begin today, by leaving a comment here, telling us one thing you like about yourself. We want to hear it.

Alexandra works as both a caterer and stay at home mother to 3 boys in a small town. She keeps a personal blog Good Day Regular People, where she co-blogs with her children of their adventures in homeschooling.  To quote Alexandra, “it is all snips and snails and puppy dog tails”.

Showing 19 comments
  • I LOVE THIS POST! Thank you Alexandra for writing it for the Mom Renewal Project.

    So here it goes…one thing I like about myself…I like – no – I love my intuition. It’s loud and clear and mine. I don’t always listen to it, but it’s there guiding my way.

    xoxox ~ Stacey

  • Stacey: I will always thank you for hosting such a refreshing blog, that’s what MomRenewal Project is for so many of us.

    Thank you for the honor of being able to contribute worthwhile words here.

    It is always one of my favorite posts of the month.

    So happy that you invited me along!

  • That’s an awesome idea and I completely agree with you. My 20 year old told me I had “too much self-esteem” and I said she didn’t have enough. At any rate, my opinion is that IF I don’t like me, why would anybody else?

    So wrote on people and feel the love…of yourself!

    Great post!!

  • Beautiful sentiment Alexandra, and one well worth learning. A thing I like about myself? Ah, but first a thing about you. Your kindness and gentle spirit comes through my screen in every word you write. (That I’ve seen anyway; maybe you have a “slam” book under your mattress, but I doubt it…)

    Me? I have the ability to see humour in almost any circumstance. This sometimes borders on inappropriate. (Nah. It “sits on and gives a lap dance to” innappropriate.) But it’s what gets me through the dregs. I’d like to hope it helps get others through sometimes, as well.

  • So funny how we have to dig so deep sometimes to find something we like about ourselves.

    My grandmother probably gave me the best compliment ever when she said that based on my tomboy childhood and non mommy playing ways, she never would have imagined that I would be such a loving and intuitive mother to my children. I think about that every time I need a pick me up.

    In addition, one thing I like about myself is my ability to “stay calm and carry on” in most situations. If there’s anything my children have taught me in my 3 years of motherhood, it’s definitely patience.

  • Love this, Alexandra! It is so hard to love ourselves sometimes, but if we don’t how can we raise our children to do just that?

    I need to work on this, big time.

  • Momma Fargo

    Great article! Very true words…sometimes we all forget those or think being a mother is all giving and not giving to ourselves.

  • great post alexandra….i think that is a statement many moms need to meditate on…and a few of us dads as well…

  • Such a great post Alexandra, and a very timely one for me. I was just beating myself up for not getting to all the items on my to do list today, and then I read this and you ask me to write about one thing I love about myself. I love my ability to live in the moment : )

  • So lovely.

    Mostly I like myself. Sometimes love. Sometimes am damned annoyed.

    But I’ll try to do better.

  • As a life long journaller I am gonna have to start that journal. I am vicious to and about myself. Taking the slurs and slams farther then the original comment that was made. Loving myself.. oh that one is gonna be so tough for me..

  • Followed the puppy dog trail from Theta Mom to your blog and here to the Mom Renewal Project. What a tour! I feel like I just found a tour guide who knows what I like and need and wants to make me (gasp) happy! Blogging has been immensely satisfying for me, too, and your suggestion to renew yourself by spending time just on MOM is a very wise one. For many mom bloggers, I think the blog fills that role — it is a space we need to be ourselves, not just someone’s wife, mom, or caretaker. Thanks for sharing this and for hooking me up with the Mom renewal project. I can’t wait to dig around here some more!

  • Go Alexandra! Fabulous message and post.

    I love about myself: that I work hard and don’t give up. Of course, our best traits can be our worst, right 😉 ? So hopefully my kids see my example as inspiring but don’t take it to a self-destructive place, like i USED TO, and don’t anymore. Oh yeah, I love about myself that I don’t hurt myself anymore.

    Thanks for sharing this today!

  • I like that no matter how bad things get I can always find something to laugh about.

  • “Hey, I really like you.” 🙂 I love this post because it is true. I have done this exercise before…in therapy:) And I felt like a cook at first, all the self affirmation but it is so true that you have to fake it til you make it. I have lost sight of who I am and become overwhelmed by who I am supposed to be. I am going to try this exercise. Thank you for the reminder, wise woman.
    What I like about myself…I love that I do everything all in with a big heart and an open mind.

    XO mama

  • I just came across your blog basically through Theta Mom. I love your article and I love the saying “A loving mother is a self loving mother”

    Thank you for the spirit lifiting message – as a mom I needed to be reminded. As for myself I would say that I usually look at life as the glass half full. I try to live each day to the fullest.


  • Oh boy. This one socked me between the eyes all right. Whew. OK. stall… stall… stall. I’m patient and good in a crisis. Man, I’ve got to make myself get better at this. Thanks for the killer quote and the reminder to be kinder to myself on a daily basis. I’m afraid I’m going to forget tomorrow, though…

  • Oh Alexandra, I so needed to read this today. Thank you, thank you. I will try the exercise too.

  • Oh I forgot to add about myself. I like that I’m compassionate for others – their struggles, weaknesses, etc.