As the Chief Mom Officer of the Mom Renewal Project, I am welcoming in 2011 with a strong commitment to live the life I desire this year. And I’m inviting you to join me by participating in my free year-long online self-renewal community blog for moms!
As moms, we take care of other people, we protect our family, and nurture our children. We create moments for our children that turn into lasting memories. We are always thinking about what is best for our kids and when we are truly blessed, their problems can vanish with a mama’s kiss or a snuggle-filled hug. We love our children unconditionally and in return we get to feel and experience unconditional love.
We are moms, mommies, mamas, and mothers.
And we are also so much more…
We are women. We are humans with feminine energy and feminine super powers. We crave meaningful connections and a sense of community. We thrive within empowering, supportive, and nurturing communities.
This year, inspired by The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life
, the Mom Renewal Project will be a place where social media moms gather to share from their hearts on topics that deeply affect us as moms, women, and members of this global community.
I will be using the Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal as a tool to help foster this online community and strengthen the powerful connections we have as moms.
I invite you to carve out time if your life this year to nurture yourself, to own your personal power, and to be part of this important conversation.
Motherhood can be isolating, but it doesn’t have to be.
We can open our hearts, support each other, and share our thoughts within this online community. This year, I am going to invite you to be honest with yourself. Sometimes, I may ask you to be vulnerable. I will encourage you to be gentle with yourself. And will remind you (over and over again) to give yourself permission to put yourself on your priority list.
Cheers to a year full of friendships and community!
Cheers to reclaiming, rejuvenating, and re-balancing our lives!
Cheers to living the lives we are meant to live this year!
Cheers to YOU being YOU.
Happy New Years!
Let your inner wisdom shine!
~ Stacey
Photo credit: Personal Renewal Groups
Photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography
Yeah! Love this! I am in!
I’m here. I can focus, and I’m here. Made it in January…So very happy.