As we say good-bye to 2017, many are already beginning to think about their “Word for the Year” for 2018. I say… don’t claim that word just yet.
Part of having a Soul Alignment Living lifestyle is first pausing, reflecting on 2017 (the successes, the struggles, the lessons/wisdom learned) and FEELING into a word or words that really summarizes 2017 for you. For me, 2017 was the Year of Standing in My Truth.
Here’s my New Years video message
from my heart to yours…
with messy hair and an open heart.
This year I found my FIERCE LOVING VOICE, which is ready to shout from the roof tops and whisper into the wind that NOW is the time for women to awaken their feminine wisdom, embodying their feminine power and living in more alignment with their heart and soul.
This fierce voice is asking me to remind you that each of us are being asked to do our part to heal the world… and your part is SIMPLE (but not always easy), which is for you to authentically BE YOU… for you to share your authentic gifts and wisdom that live inside your heart and soul.
Your part is to shine brighter in 2018 than you’ve ever shined before. And I know it can be scary to shine your radiant light. I know it can make us feel naked and vulnerable… which is why I also know we are meant to do this alone.
I’ll be stretching, conjuring up courage, standing tall – authentic and vulnerable – and shining my light and love in 2018 too. Will you join me?
Part of shining my light includes choosing to be SEEN and HEARD. It means sharing more of my stories and insights. It means inviting more and more women to join the Soul Alignment Living movement and sharing the essentials to having a Soul Alignment Living lifestyle.
Bad hair days and no makeup have stopped me one too many times from sharing my stories and insights on VIDEO. I’m choosing to leave that behind in 2017.
So watch my short New Year’s message above… from my heart to yours.
Cheers to all of us shining our light and love even brighter in 2018!
