¿Invierno o primavera? - Winter or Spring?
Creative Commons License photo credit: Uriarte de Izpikua


They are a funny thing.

They creep up on you. Hit you like a brick. And then they linger.

Life is full of transitions.

As we move through the ebb and flow of life we meet transitions around many corners.

We transition into new births, new stages of our children’s lives, and new seasons of our own lives.

Sometimes we welcome these transitions with open arms.

Pregnant Dreams...
Creative Commons License photo credit: UrvishJ

Sometimes these transitions are too much to handle and they literally take our breath away.

I am in a swirl of transition. I feel it in my bones and can feel it running through my veins.

It’s exhilarating – I’m watching my dreams unfold. I’m creating my story. Yet, it’s also unsettling, because of this middle place I’m living in right now. It’s making me think that somehow we are, in some way, always in the middle of something, transitioning from one year to the next, from one season to another, from one routine to the next, from work to vacation and back again.

But today, right now, my transition seems bigger than moving from one hairstyle to another. This intangible transition is larger than life and all I know is that my natural inner wisdom is leading me to greatness. I don’t know exactly where it is leading me, but I know it’s leading me to fully celebrate and express the gifts I was meant to share with the world.

And I am full of gratitude for this journey.

Jump in motion
Creative Commons License photo credit: Jolantis

What I know for sure…

Based on the delicious book The Big Leap, when my transition is over I will be:

  • Making a bigger difference in the world
  • Putting magic in my life
  • Shining the light of awareness
  • Growing by leaps and bounds
  • Being full of gratitude
  • Dancing with excitement
  • Consistently feeling good
  • Owning my full potential
  • Enjoying positive energy
  • Having long periods of success
  • And balancing heart, soul, love and creativity with financial success.

I (heart) balancing rocks
Creative Commons License photo credit: James Jordan

Showing 5 comments
  • Stacey,
    You shine in so many wonderful ways! And as I read here today, I am so excited for the lies ahead for you. Transitions…you are ready for this! I know you are! Stacey, you are filled with such a beautiful spirit, and that’s a gift that will do so much good in our world, as you continue to let it all unfold. Know that I’ll support you in any way I can on this journey you are on…
    .-= Lance´s last blog ..Sunday Thought For The Day =-.

  • Times of transition are so exciting! Daunting, but exciting. I’m sending you happy energy! You can totally do this.
    .-= Hayden Tompkins´s last blog ..The Controversial Way I Saved My Marriage =-.

  • Yes, it seems I am always in transition too, waiting for life to “let up” but it never really does, this time of year too can get busy. So I must dip into your list to make my journey happier, like gratitude and dancing.

    Thank you for your happy energy today. And for those gorgeous photos, they all made me feel so light and bright.

    Ahh, life is good.
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..teknikel difikulltees by blue bunny =-.

  • Good post, caught my eye, from IcyBC link.

  • Stacey,

    What a great post! You know what? I think 2009 was a transition year on some cosmic-spiritual level for many of us.

    I know personally I feel as though I got thrown into the washing machine of life, scrubbed, hosed down, spun around and tossed out wet and wrinkled, and then got put back into the Dryer to be renewed with a brand new fresh scent outlook.

    I’m out and ready to take on 2010 from a whole new emerged place. Here’s to transitions that help us to grow. Cheers!
    .-= Wendi Kelly~Lifes Little Inspirations´s last blog ..How to Live a Great Life =-.