What Were You Great At?

It was a sunny October afternoon. My son was scooting outside in front of my house and he asked me “Mom, where you GREAT at anything when you were young?”

Soaking up the October sun, I sat in my chair and asked myself…what was I good at when I was young? As my son continued to happily scoot, I couldn’t get this question out of my head.

After a few minutes of thinking, I finally said “I was great at talking on the phone“.

“No” he said, “What were you GREAT at?”


He continued to scoot and I continued to wrack my brain for what I was great at when I was younger. The next thing that came to my mind was making prank calls but decided not to share that with my son (remember those school days, before caller ID, when you could call all those cute boys and then hang up on them).

What Was I Great At?

I don’t think he heard me, but I finally said “I wasn’t great at anything“. I wasn’t great at spelling. I wasn’t great at sports. I wasn’t great at ballet. I wasn’t great at skating. I was always picked last for dodge ball and soccer.

And then it finally hit me. I was great at something back then…

I was GREAT at being a friend!

This would explain why I first said I was great at talking on the phone – I was always talking with my friends. Lisa S., Lisa W, Lynn, Laura, Veronica, Janie, Jen (and more) – I loved all of my elementary school friends. I loved being a friend and being with my friends.

That is what I was great at.





  • Lisa S

    Hey that’s me! You were always a great friend!