Today I am taking a moment to remember why I have to put myself first if I am going to be the best I can be to everyone else. I know it is difficult, especially for moms, to say “No” to someone else for what appears to be selfish reasons. Saying “No” in both my personal life and professional life is critical, however, so I can create enough space to say YES! to what matters most.

Here are a few exercises to use when you need to put yourself and your life purpose back onto your priority list…


Make a list of when you could have recently said No but instead took yourself over the edge by saying yes. Reflecting on this list, think about what would have happened if you would have said No. Chances are, the world would not have come to an end.


Recognize when you want to say No. Spend time witnessing how you reacts (body, mind, and spirit) when you want to shout No from the top of the world.


When the right situation surfaces, practice saying “No”. Take baby steps and try to say No to something at least once a day. Although it may feel uncomfortable at first, challenge yourself to enjoy the positive emotions generated by saying No (relief, joy, and self care).